All posts by Joel Goodman

MOFO Halloween Live at German Club

That’s right folks, MOFO is back with their chums BANANA REPUBLIK to bring you another corker night of  live music, artzz and craftiness!

A Mega Multi Monster Mashed Halloween featuring:
Meat Bikini
Swamp donkey
Ponch the Dutch ‘n’ Jimmy Flypshyt from Beat Basement Records
& DJ Ghoul Rudd
+ arts + stuff

MC and Producer duo Ponch the Dutch & Jimmy Flipshyt have set out to stick the knife into the increasingly pop-focused hip hop currently being thrashed about the country. Their debut digital single will take you on a ride through Ponch’s twisted mind enforced with a rabid anger while “Don’t Step” takes it back to the street – on the bully tip. You can grab the digital album from Bandcamp for a ‘name your price’ fee. Also available is The Jimmy Flipshyt Beat Tape, a collection of beats for those who like funky samples and that ol’ boom map sound.

Swamp donkey are a 4 piece Swamp-rock / Grunge / Shoegaze outfit from Cairns. Best known for their debut single “Sadie the Cleaning Lady”, Swamp Donkey went on to become the most successful Australian solo artist of the mid 80’s. Single-handedly bringing bagpipes, the Beatles and blonde mullets back into the forefront of popular culture. In more recent times they have signed on to direct the sequels to the Star Wars film franchise and somewhat controversially have publicly aired their opposition to the Custard Apple.

Meat Bikini is a North Queensland Punk rock institution that likes to slap you about the ears with big meaty slabs of sound – “More meat per beat!” some more adventurous crowd members can be hard bellowing as Kane emits another low-end rumble from his 4 strung death-bringer. Pidge and Roberto follow through with crafted chaos, reminiscent of early Quincy Jones (he was early to dinner).

Salacious are not just another band to embark on the metal path to salvation, they are the band to re – categorize the whole metal scene. Yes, their inspirations are many and varied, but what sets them apart is their determination to forge their path and, more importantly, their music, in their own style. Salacious aren’t just here to play music, they are also here to entertain, and to see them play live is to be welcomed into their inner sanctum.

DJ Ghould Rudd owns a local shop for local people in Royston Vasey. He only exists in your nightmares but he can hurt you in real life, especially if you’re a young Johnny Depp or a middle-aged John Saxon. Having vowed to seek vengeance for the untimely beheading of his mother by one of Kevin Bacon’s buddies, he now inhabits the forests. Which makes doing stock-take at his shop in Royston Vasey quite inconvenient for travel.

If you like tasty German treats, and even tastier German beers then get down early as  Dinner and Bar commences at 6pm.
The Live music Kicks off at 7:30pm.

FRIDAY 31st OCTOBER – 57 WINKWORTH ST CAIRNS (Just off Mulgrave Rd)
Entry is $10
Half Price entry will go to anyone in FULL costume.*
*For the record – ‘full costume’ does not mean a hockey mask, a tshirt and some sneakers.

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