Category Archives: Upcoming Gig –

Mofo 29th March 2014

Mofo 29th March 2014.The Mofo guys have a gig on 29th March at the German Club in Cairns.  Meat Bikini, Peyote, Tectonic, The Dialers, DJ Paul Rudd and artist Jason Wegger will have a visual installation. I strongly suspect it’s a different Tectonic to the one that features Russell Harriss on vocals and trumpet. If not, I’m going just to see the Meat Bikini crowd react to Russ singing Lional Ritchie! Joel from MOFO has assured me that they will be sticking a bunch of their excellent poster art from MOFOs gone by up in the archive soon. Only $10 entry, doors open 7pm, licensed bar 18+.