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Jack Botts – Anywhere

If music was a crop, one of the most fertile lands for growing musicians must be the Northern Rivers region of New South Wales. Many of Australia’s well known and lesser known talents have emerged from this region, and will probably continue to do so for the foreseeable future.
One of those artists who threatens to be a household name in the future is Jack Botts. With a sound that is an organic salad (please excuse the continuing produce metaphors) that has the freshest ingredients obtained from folk, pop and country roots, he can provide nourishment for a wide audience. (I will stop now).

I had a quick chat with Jack recently ahead of his upcoming show at Cairns Performing Arts Centre” to gain some insight into his approach to creating music.

“We started playing around Byron. There was heaps of music around there for a long time. It has quietened down a little bit now, but hopefully it will pick up again soon. It feels quieter everywhere lately.

“I started learning through school, just in my spare time really. I started songwriting and guitar just kind of came with that I guess, somewhere in my late teens.”

I asked Jack, as I do, what tricks of the trade he employs in regards to songwriting.

“I’ve been touring full time for about 4 years . Im 26 now. I’ve been writing since school. Its difficult to write much when I’m on the road, always moving, but I guess it just ebbs and flows. I don’t have a specific approach to it. It’s mainly just little ‘articles’ about what’s going on around me at any given time.”

One of the interesting things about the times we live in , with streaming services dominating how people consume music, and the compact disc falling from favour many years ago, is the resurgence of the L.P. record , or ‘Vinyl’ format. Jack has released material on Vinyl, and I asked why he made that choice.

“I’ve always enjoyed having physical vinyl. Its something that is tangible, that you can hold in your hand. I like the inserts, and the artwork. There’s more information. It’s just a great aesthetic….and people buy them.”

One of the challenges facing independent musicians who enjoy food, is the transition from part time , or ‘semi professional’ performers, to full time professionals.

“It was pretty seamless for me. I was a Chippy (carpenter) for a long time, and eventually the gigs just started outweighing the carpentry, so the choice was easy. I was really busy for a year or so trying to make both work, so I just drifted over to music. I’ve never really looked back .
Im still independent. We have a store where you can buy everything online if you like. We are lucky now in a way. You can be a musician and crank out your own stuff without having to be with some massive label or whatever. You can make music in your bedroom now if you like. I use producers wherever I am, and record in studios wherever I am in Australia. I like working with different producers and such. Its nice to get another set of ears on it, and see how other people hear what I make.”

Jack’s live performances are a little different than many. Although he is a solo performer, he often works with other musicians, and brings that to his shows.

“The shows can be pretty dancey and fun, and we get them up and raring to go. There is always a spontaneous element.”

One of the highlights so far was touring North America with Vance Joy.

“North American audiences are great. They are very attentive. They’re very ‘eyes on’ and respectful. They’re really into the music. A few of us travel around together and jump on stage. It’s a bit of a ‘Roadshow’ kind of vibe in that way. They all have their own projects and music they release, but when we get together, we make it happen. There are a few cultural differences and language differences. That can be a lot of fun.”

The Cairns show will be no different.

“I always spend a few days either side of a show in Cairns. It’s so hot up there. It is a lot more laid back. Everything is kinda fast-paced down here. It’s nice to chill . There will be a handful of us on stage . We will get ‘em up and get ‘em moving.”

Jack’s show will be at CPAC on Saturday February 15th Feb. Tickets are available from Ticket Link.

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