Category Archives: Retrospective

Hot Rubber Glove – Elexotica

Recorded in 2001 at the old Pandamonium Records studio behind Music City in Sheridan st, the Elexotica album by Hot Rubber Glove is a cornucopia of decadent grooves, danceable pop and eclectic dubs. The album contains many of the bands live crowd favourites including “Jam Wichu”, “Soul Level”, “Lotus Room”, “Can’t Stop This Thing” and “P.I Skank”. There are many nights I witnessed a full dance floor at Johnos grooving to the glove playing these tracks.

Elexotica by Hot Rubber GloveAlthough time has hazed the memories of most of us involved in the recording of this album, I do remember a steady stream of guest artists turning up at the studio to do their bit. HRG ringleader Morgyn Quinn’s dad spent a few hours recording flute solos that were edited down to a few tasteful stabs here and there. Emcyte from Souvenir City guested on “FDP”. Martin Stayte had some input with electronic sounds if memory serves. I vaguely remember some turntablists being involved at one stage. One day an itinerant person walked into the studio and started banging on the drum kit. It took a few minutes to figure out if he was involved with the project or not (he wasn’t!).

Kazman (now with Brisbane act Dubmarine) constantly surprised me with the different character voices he would come up with. It was like recording a different artist each session, brilliant stuff. I also remember long editing sessions with Morgyn, he had loads of recordings he made in his travels of mad rasta street preachers that we would chop up, which are scattered throughout the album to great effect.

Technically the album was recorded in the early days of digital recording on a computer with a processor probably not as powerful as most peoples mobile phones these days. The early version of Cubase used to record the album only had one level of undo, so decisions had to be made on the spot and the save as command was used frequently. Morgyn hand drew a lot of the album cover art and additional photos were scanned and assembled in photoshop by Morgyn Quinn and myself one night. The album was engineered and mastered by myself and produced by myself with Morgyn Quinn and Dal Smart.

Please enjoy one of NQs most iconic albums “Elexotica” in it’s entirety below.

Todd Macalpine

Jam Wichu

Soul Level

Lotus Room

PI Skank

Can’t Stop This thing

Bing Beng



Drug War Electro

For Ella

Everything Is Electric


Push It

For Spiritual use Only

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