Wasabi Barbie 2021 2

Wasabi Barbie – Evil C

Local punk hitters Wasabi Barbie recently recorded the track “Evil C” (read it backwards!) for the Northern Exposure 2021 compilation at Pandamonium Records studio. Guitar player Justin Bishop had this to say about the track:-

“I guess it’s one of the first songs we started to put together. It kind of came together a few federal elections ago”

Singer Kelly added “Let’s just say a certain someone wasted about 60 million dollars and ripped off a lot of lovely people in Townsville”

If you still can’t figure it out, try reading Evil C backwards..

Wasabi Barbie are putting on an all ages show this Sat at Freshwater Tennis club along with Enemy Of Anenome and Hard2Miss. Check out the Facebook Event for more info.

Of course the band will also be performing at the massive launch party for Northern Exposure 2021 at Skypark (A.J Hacket) on the 17th of April along with the 15 other bands featured on the compilation. Tickets are strictly limited due to COOVID plan so it is advised to pre purchase your tickets to ensure entry. Tickets are available here:- https://ajhackettcairns.wildapricot.org/event-4179213

You can checkout the rest of the tracks on Northern Exposure 2021 HERE

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