Tag Archives: Atherton International Club

Volcanic Rock

The guys from Snakeoyl have a good thing happening up the hill it seems, this Saturday the 26th of Nov you can catch a veritable mini festival of mostly original bands all kicking out the jams at Atherton International club.

Cairns band Clam Sandwich will be doing their tablelands CD Launch for their new album “Show us Ya” at the event. Stay tuned to NQ Music Pressfor full story on Cairns CD launch and interview with Reuben from Clam Sandwich next week.

Word on the street is that Snakeoyl have a new recording out soon too.

12pm OldsKool, Atherton
1pm Roadhouse, Atherton
2pm Barefoot Belles, Cooktown
3pm Vaude Vivious, Cairns
4pm The Code, Cairns (Pictured)
5pm 4 String Phil , Tasmania
6pm Hexus,Malanda
7pm Seems a Little Strange, Cairns
8pm SnakeOyl, Atherton
9pm Clam Sandwich, Cairns (ALBUM LAUNCH)
10pm Howlin Dingoes, Kuranda
11pm The Nu Black, Townsville.
12pm Open stage (late nite jam)
1am Close

$15 entry. Car and bike show starts at 11am, music starts at 12pm, this is a family friendly event, kids under 12 are free, so bring the family.

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