Tag Archives: Drewboy


Drewboy AKA Drew Brauer has been a busy boy lately. Playing a bunch of high profile gigs, adding a saxophone player to his shows, and soon to record his debut CD. We thought it was time to catch up with the lad..

I saw you recently supporting Ash Grunwald, how did that show go for you?

Supporting Ash was a pretty big deal for us and we loved playing all originals with the big sound at The Jack to a good crowd!

You also recently played a headline show at the Brisbane Urban Roots gig and added drums to the lineup, are you planning on expanding the lineup more?

The show in Brisbane was a real eye opener for us. The gig there was a huge success and have a bass player lined up for a trial to see what they can bring to the mix.

How did Gus’s drums work into the Drewboy sound?

We had only had 2 practices with Gus on the drums before the show so we were kind of thrown in the deep end, but Gus Fernandez being the great drummer he is, and a couple of late nights coming up with beats that we were all happy with added a lot of depth to the songs and even changed the whole feel of a few of them. We were absolutely stoked with the results!

I know since Matty has started playing with you, he has added extra colour to your current songs, are new songs being written with his instrumentation in mind?

At the moment the process is working through all of my best songs and seeing what Mattys musical genius can add to them by way of Saxophone, Guitar and harmonies. We kind of just brainstorm on what sounds best one song at a time and I’m really happy how this has been working out. I do have a few new songs that we will start working on but we are definitely keen to see what will come from collaborative writing sing our combined influences and styles.

Have you started recording the E.P yet, can you tell us more about that?

We want to record everything at Mattys home studio first so we go to the studio as prepared as we can be to speed up the process but we are hoping to have an EP ready to take with us on the East Coast tour in March.

Who are your songwriting influences?

I have such a broad range of influences ranging from “The Offspring’, “Blink 182”, “Pete Murray”, “Jack Johnson”, “Kid Cudi”, “The Eagles”, “Josh Pyke”, and that’s just the tip of this random musical iceberg haha

You are playing a gig at Australia Zoo soon, a venue that holds 5500 people, a zoo seems like an odd venue to play, how did that come about?

Haha yeah it is. One of my friends who helps me with some of my marketing stuff is the PR manager there and told me I should get in touch with the event’s girl at the Zoo and it all just fell in to place really so I think it’s even school holidays so it should be packed out and looking forward to getting up close and personal to a few of the crazy animals there… the ones behind the bars.

You play Resonate next Thursday at the Grand, what will be the lineup for that show?

Still undecided whether to play as a duo or to throw Gus on the Cajon drum, but either way it will be awesome and we are looking forward to it heaps! Resonate is such a good way for local original artists to showcase their own stuff and we will be trying to get more people to come down and support it. Absolutely love playing original gigs and hope to be doing so much more of it next year and seeing how far we can take it.

Drewboy and Matty play Resonate at the Grand Hotel this Thursday night from 8.20. Entry is free.

Todd Macalpine

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