Tag Archives: Function

King Pig CD Launch

Timothy Wright AKA King Pig is launching his new CD this Friday night the 7th of Nov at the secluded setting of the old White Party house located 3 Barron Gorge road near Crystle Cascades. CD’s will beĀ available at the launch and on Itunes as of Friday. Dave breeze and Ben Jones are playing with the King Pig lineup for this show. Tim says “We are playing all the e.p, and some new stuff off an album already in the works for next June.”

Support artists playing Friday night include Tims former Function band mate Mark Myers playing a solo acoustic set, and Raw Violet.

When asked to describe the new E.P Tim offered “‘King pig’ is 6 tracks. ‘Right Sun’ is about dealing with death and grief. ‘Hideaway’ is nick drake singing ‘Afternoon Delight’ but in the morning. ‘Heart of the Mountain’ is off kilter blues. ‘Throw a Little Sand’ is old time folk straight out of the dustbowl. ‘Spinning’ is a bluegrass meditation on the enormity of the universe and ‘Heart Full of Nails’ is a break up song.”

Check out the live in the studio film clip for “Throw a Little Sand” below:-

Entry is only $10 and CDs are available on the night for only $10. Should be a special night in a great setting.

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