Tag Archives: Garageband

The Smith Street Band are Coming to Cairns

Breaking news – The Smith Street Band are to include Cairns in their upcoming Australian tour. The band will play the Grand Hotel on Saturday the 26th of September. Word is that Lucy Wilson from the Sugarcanes will be playing support. Stay tuned for more details, ticket availability etc.

The Smith Street Band are from Melbourne where the Smith Street of their name can be found. The band have released two EPs, South East Facing Wall and Don’t Fuck with Our Dreams—released in 2010 and 2013, respectively—and three studio albums, No One Gets Lost Anymore, Sunshine and Technology and Throw Me in the River—released in 2011, 2012 and 2014, respectively.

Earlier this year The Smith Street Band have shared a new politically scathing single, directed at the Australian government. The single, released digitally and on 7″ (pictured below), is titled Wipe That Shit-Eating Grin Off Your Punchable Face, and its artwork features a Shaun Thatcher painting of Prime Minister Tony Abbott.

wipe that grin

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