Tag Archives: Groovin The Moo

Lost Boys

Todd Macalpine catches up with Adib Parker from Townsville band Lost Boys ahead of their Groovin the Moo show on 4th of May and Cairns MOFO show on 10th May at the Germania Club.

Lost Boys is a collective group of musicians/producers who aim to expand the boundaries of popular music. Featuring an eclectic sound ranging from alternative and indie to progressive and soulful, their band utilizes their diverse musical backgrounds to create something fresh, and entirely representative of the Lost Boys ethos. The boys have been playing together for just under two years, during which time they have released their debut EP ‘Constellations’, and played alongside professional international and Australian acts like Gomez and Sticky Fingers. Fresh off the back of their new single ‘Kingsley’, the band is currently preparing for their debut tour and are writing new material for the recording of their first LP.

TM:- Can you tell whats on the near horizon for the Lost Boys?

AP:- Justin Reid and I will be performing lost boys DJ set at Flinders Social on the Friday before we play groovin the moo on the sunday of that weekend. We’re also going to be playing a few gigs around north queensland in may including carins on the 10th. After self producing our own single release kingsley, the feedback was great. After being played on triple j, we’re motivated to aim for a full release of songs. We haven’t decided if it will be as an EP or LP as of yet, only time will tell.

TM:- Your single “Kinglsley” was from a production standpoint, much more polished than your earlier constellations E.P, do you plan to self produce your next release?

AP:- Yeah, most certainly. When we decided to record constellations, I bought all the studio gear online and dived straight into it. -i was (virtually broke afterwards). It was the first EP i had ever recorded. Since then its pretty evident that i’ve learnt a thing or two in that time between releases. In terms of future music – we will always do scratch tracks and demos/record ideas in the studio. We are actually in the process of deciding whether we are going to fly down to brisbane and record with a well known producer / engineer called magoo.

TM:- Yes, Magoo does good work for sure, however your work on Kinglsey is impressive. Are you guys feeling like you need to make the move to Brisbane/Sydney/Melbourne to further your career?

AP:- Thanks a lot! We’ll see how we go for now. I think we all need to push hard now to get one foot in front of the other. But its a very real ideal. As much as we’d love to move to a bigger city, we almost feel committed in supporting the local scene here. More and more bigger national and even international acts – no even in our genre of music – are hitting places like flinders social. In our time of playing, we have seen a sincere growth in audience – not only to see us, but to see what new live bands are having to offer. But yes, moving to a bigger city will be in the back of our minds – I guess its all depending on this collective release/how we play our cards.

TM:- That’s encouraging that live audiences are growing in Townsville. How did your slot on Groove in the Moo come about, was that linked to your success on JJJ Unearthed?

AP:- Yes exactly, the single Kingsley opened that door for us.

TM:- What can the Cairns audience expect to see from Lost Boys, any surprises or new tracks?

AP:- Yeah we’ll have a more progressive flow of set – extend some of our songs and blend them together, with some new material thrown in for good measure. We’ll be playing ‘Malin’, which is the only song that we haven’t released that will be on the next collective release

– Todd Macalpine

Lost Boys are playing the Townsville Groovin The Moo, and part of the MOFO lineup on 10th of May at the Germania Club in Cairns. You can check out their music on their Bandcamp page.