Tag Archives: Infamous Izzy

PaddyJ – Songs From Outa Space

PaddyJ (AKA Patric Jung) is one of the good guys of the local original music scene. An instantly likeable chap with a genuine love of creating original music. Encompassing a prodigious body of original work stretching back to the mid nineties, he is also one of the most prolific and eclectic songwriters around. From the 90’s proto-grunge outfit “Infamous Izzy” Jung fronted on guitar and vocals, to his bass playing with folk rock band The Killer Beez, Paddy is a true musical maverick. On the cusp of a new solo album and a rare acoustic live show at Resonate on Thursday night, a catch up with the man, the enigma wrapped in a riddle, was long overdue..

TM:- So.. What’s new in PaddyJ land?

PJ – Mastering my new record….. “Songs From Outa Space” due to release in June – 10 tracks of disturbing.

TM:- Oooh sounds scary, what’s disturbing about it?

PJ:- Well not so much disturbing as eclectic…. These tracks are closer to how I am as a being than before. I’ve not been swayed or compromised, each track has its own personality.

TM:- Your songs to me have always had an ethereal quality to them. I take it this artistic freedom comes from recording everything yourself?

PJ:- Not everything.. I’ve had help from many friends but I’ve been shaping the outcome to be how I imagined.

TM:- What guests can we expect on the album?

PJ:- Dal from the awesome Hot Rubber Glove has been my god on a couple of tracks and also some drum tracks from Paul “Zilla” Francis (also an Infamous Izzy Alumni) and Jason martin. I had Sam Conomo play some pedal steel too.

TM:- Will we be be hearing any of the new tracks on Thursday night?

PJ:- Yes two new tracks….

TM:- You have played in a few really well known NQ Bands over the years, what are some of your favourite memories playing original music in Cairns?

PJ:- With Infamous Izzy… Playing with my gods The Tea Party and Powderfinger… And the Killer Beez…. Jon Butler and INXS at the Kuranda amphitheatre, or some of the early RAW rock fests… Massive..

PaddyJ plays Resonate at the Grand Hotel in Cairns this Thursday night at 9pm (2 other acts from 7pm), entry is free. Songs From Outa Space will be available in June.

Todd Macalpine

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