Tag Archives: Jeremiah Johnson

Jeremiah Johnson – Ganesh

Local troubadour Jeremiah Johnson has just released the long awaited film clip to his song “Ganesh”. We catch up for a quick chat with Jeremiah about the clip. You can view the film clip at the bottom of the story.

TM:- Who directed and produced the film clip?

JJ:- I directed the clip and the production planning, Glenn Sagger Filmed and Edited, choreography was by Guillaume “Willem” Brugman at the Centre for Australasian Theatre.

TM:- The song Ganesh, is quite an old song of yours, it’s a great song, but why did you decide not go with a new track for the film clip?

JJ:- Good question, it was based on a promise really.. In 2012 when I realised the single on triple J unearthed I was overwhelmed by the fan suport with reviews.. During that time I said that there would be a film clip to say thank you, it simply took this much time to honour that promise. I’ve toured the East Coast of Australia in that time, and to some new fans that have recently bought the Album “Postcards” in other states the film clip might be right on time for them. However it might feel like a long time for Cairns folks and the people who bought it on release.

TM:- What was your favourite moment making the clip?

JJ:- Favourite moment was filming the set in action, with my person video camera. It may seem silly but at that point camera was rolling on set, a dancer was in costume dancing, Pappa Stanley was making coffee off set, actors were getting ready for the next scene and the set was alive!! After two years of meetings, drafts and planning the film clip was actualized. It was fantastic feeling.

TM:- Can you tell our readers what the track is about?

JJ:- The song is remarkably about a dream that I had when the God Ganesh visited me. It was profound. I had no idea what or who the God was but the next morning I got online and did the research to find out who it was. As unusual as the experience was, I aimed to write a song about it. The main riff was inspired by an elephant walking, the narrative easy to digest and the overall feel of it was meant to be easy listening. I feel like I did the best I could with it at the time.

TM:- Whats next for Jeremiah Johnson?

JJ:- I’m manifesting to play some more East Coast festivals next year and plans have been made to play some shows in Malaysia also next year.

For those wanting to check out Jeremiah live, he will be playing at the MOFO Xmas party at the German club next Saturday the 13th Dec, along with 5 other acts. Jeremiah hits the stage at 6pm, so make sure you get in early to catch his set.

Todd Macalpine

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