Tag Archives: Kuranda Roots

The Dialers

It’s a busy time for local groovemeisters the Dialers with 3 shows coming up over the next week including a spot on the Kuranda Roots Show, The Pre Party at the Jack, and the Garageband gig at the Grand. NQMP’s Todd Macalpine catches up with The Dialers keyboard wiz and singer Jane Sharp..

NQMP:-The dialers have a very distinctive NQ sound, reminiscent of a few other well known NQ bands from the past, whats with that?

Jane Sharp:- Our sound maybe familiar to some as we are comprised of musicians who have been gigging & recording in Cairns & surrounds for more than ten years. Our drummer, Dal Smart, hails from bands that include Hot Rubber Glove and Souvenir City. Myself & guitarist Jesse Faber also played in Souvenir City back in the day. Robbie V the MC has also done a few solo performances around town. Living in FNQ brings out the tropical vibes in us – ska, hip hop & electronic music – these genres resonate with the lifestyle up here & are a favourite with FNQ music fans.

NQMP:- So what is in the pipeline for recorded output from the Dialers?

Jane Sharp:- We are planning to record an E.P asap, and then an album following some more funds raising gigs. But for now peeps can check out our two track demo on Soundcloud. The first track Fly Away is an uplifting track featuring surreal synth, crisp beats, warm bass, delicious guitar riffs and an exhilarating vocal hook, overlayed with raps about overcoming life’s obstacles. Raisin’ Hell on the other hand is a fat, crunchy, bass driven track about our bands ability to short out amps & blow brain cells into bits !

NQMP:- So what can fans expect from the Dialers live show?

Jane Sharp:- Our mission is to share the great time we have playing music together with our audience. We have a really strong chemistry in the band, we’re all mates and have a blast whenever we play. Our good vibes inevitably flow out from the stage & into the crowd. Expect fat music that you just can’t help moving to. Expect to feel good! We’d love to share our unique style of ska synth hop with you.

NQMP:- Why do you think NQ audiences react so well to groove orientated music?

Jane Sharp:- I think audiences and people in FNQ are very open, friendly and less inhibited as we are surrounded by so much nature & steamy weather. The positivity that nature brings and the fewer layers of clothing all result in people up here wanting to get up, dance & move. Groove orientated music goes well with our way of life. And that’s where The Dialers come in.

Todd Macalpine
