Tag Archives: McGintys

Katie Jay – You’re A Dreamer Album Launch

Katie Jay is releasing her new album “You’re A Dreamer” at Mcgintys in Cairns this Friday night the 20th of Jan. Admission is by donation and there is a veritable smorgasbord of top NQ talent playing along with Katie, including Greta Stanley, Brealyn Sheehan, Leanne Tennant and David Garnham.

I caught up with Katie for a quick Q&A before Friday’s gig..

So where did the album title come from?

There are a few reasons for the title. Firstly because the track Dreaming was for me a special track that really came together as I hoped it would. It was very cathartic hearing that track with the strings on it. It had been in my head with all of those layers for years and no one else could hear it like I could, so that track being fleshed out was a very happy event for me. Secondly, at around the time I was recording someone called me a dreamer in a less than complimentary manner and instead of getting hurt or hung up on that I just thought, he’ll yeah I sure am, thank goodness. Life would be boring without dreamers. The third reason is a shout out to John Lennon.

The first single off the album is the track “The River”, can you tell us what that one is about?

The River has a few layers and I’m proud that over time it’s actually meant different things to me and my audience. Most of my songs have something to do with love, The River is no exception, it’s about lost or unrequited love. The River is also about the sea and my Grandfather, who went sailing one day and didn’t return home to his young family. I had always wanted to write something that was connected to him, even though he passed away so long ago. The River is also for him.

The recording process can be a daunting experience, how was it for you this time around?

It was so scary before I started! It took me so long to actually get to the point of having the confidence to book time with Mark. When I actually started working with Mark at Big Sister he really put me at ease and a whole new world opened up. Mark was so great at letting me shape each song in the way that I wanted it to be. He is also so amazing at making sure that everything is correct and every note is in place, Mark made recording a happy process. I also loved working with Tristan Barton and Simon McMenamin, they are so professional and really talented guys.

You often work with your band “The Code”, were they involved in this recording or was it more of a solo project?

This album is my solo album. Two of the guys from The Code, Gary Hill and Neil Spranklin, came in and helped out on a couple of tracks. Gary Hill put some very sweet bass on The River and Dreaming. Gary’s bass lines on those songs really hit the nail on the head and contributed to the emotional communication that I was looking for on the album. I imagine that the next time I record anything will be as part of The Code, we have all been working together writing a collection of songs and I’d guess that an EP will be recorded this year some time. I’m really looking forward to that.

And what can we expect next from Katie Jay?

Next up for me will be more gigs around the far north and down south. I moved to Cairns from Melbourne and I’ve done some gigs down that way in the past few months. The response to my original work has been very encouraging so trips down that way for gigs should be more frequent. I love doing gigs down there because I get to catch up with so many of my friends and family while I’m there. I would absolutely love to go to Melbourne for some gigs with The Code, that would be really fun.

Todd Macalpine

Katie Jays CD launch for “You’re a Dreamer” is this Friday night the 20th of Jan at McGintys in Shields St. Cairns. Admission is by donation. Also playing will be Greta Stanley, Brealyn Sheehan, Leanne Tennant and David Garnham.

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