Tag Archives: Meat Bikini

MOFO Xmas Party (Happy Birthday Jeebus!)

Ah-hoy hoy merry friends and fauna! Deck your halls, polish your balls and hang them from your Yuletide present shrub with a hop and a skip and a wink to a blind Jehovah.

It’s that time of year again when Old Saint Nick fondles yer’ mum and uncle Frank tries to annoint his wounds with a punchbowl full of eggnog.

To celebrate the birth of Christianity’s #1 beardo, MOFO have weaved together a tasty list of Cairns’ best and brightest musicians to rock n roll up your jeebus hole!

We’ve checked the list twice, and it goes a little something like this:

Brealyn Sheehan
Described as ‘red velvet meets the wild west’, singer/songwriter Brealyn Sheehan traverses a stylish path of contemporary music. Swinging from jazz-fused blues through atmospheric ballads to spaghetti western she captivates audiences with her intimate presence and lush sultry vocals.

Jungle/ Homegrown/ Kuranda Hip Hop heavily influenced by all things Boom Bap and also Qtip/Talib Kweli. Positive music.

Dead Clan
An up and coming skeg rock/hip hop band heavily influenced by the NQ hard core scene and local talents! the Clan also perform covers of their favourite performers such as Weezer, Turbonegro and Beastie Boys.

Swamp Donkey
Deep seated semen stains mixed with swamp gas nostalgia from the bogs of peat town immersed in stagnant crocodile piss.

Meat Bikini
A night with Meat Bikini is akin to sniffing your nanas slightly sharted bloomers after she has been stewing in them all day in the hot sun while eating pickled onions and playing canasta.

DJ Paul Rudd
Now Tayne I can get into!

Visual backdrops will be provided on the night by Craig Middleton

The bar will be stocked with alco-ma-hole!

ALL AGES (But bring an ID if you want to drink you dirty old barfly)

from 6pm, Saturday 12th December

THE GERMAN CLUB! (57 Winkworth St, Cairns)

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