Tag Archives: MOFO

Odius (Fr. Odium)

1. A state or quality of being odious (Synonym; hateful)
2. A strong dislike, contempt, or aversion.
3. A state of disgrace resulting from hateful or detestable conduct.
4. A Cairns thrash metal band consisting of ex-Freebooter guitarists Lucas Blackburn and Adam Perrett, alongside ex-Tides of Oblivion Kyle Rohan, and Tyrone Hogan

Named as such, it seems Odium have assumed the gravity of the word and felt it reflects well the spirit of the sounds they bring to the war grounds of Cairns’ thriving music scene. Today’s metalheads and distant observers of the obscure, insane war of fire, death, and destruction, who have lived either underground – unaware, or have chosen to steer clear or flee from such madness, are bombarded with the anthems of newly formed armies; the rise of ‘core (00’s core; Metalcore, Deathcore, Mathcore, Nintendocore,…some see a plague against real metal, while many selectively accept or embrace) and the predecessors of old, the posts-modernists (E.g. Post Thrash)

These genres are arguably the third generation of Metal, prophet to an evil often named Lucifer, whom birthed Stoner, Doom, Black, Death, et al by your opinion of metal genealogy. Although ‘core bands are largely derived from 7 and 8 string-guitar metal of the 90’s and onward, 80’s hardcore, and whatever else I missed… But that’s just, like, your opinion, man; these genres have instigated the ubiquitous argument on the necessity to properly refer a sub-sub-genre by its ‘true’ title. An unruly debate that must be heavily considered before bringing it up with a metalhead!

Amidst all this trouble and confusion, it’s refreshing to hear a local act getting down to some no-fuss, classic Thrash. In a Music Hub main room where the lights shine red, you’ll often hear Blackburn in between songs jamming harsh single note/chorded riffs or ripping a squeal here and there. Perrett, proving the two a duo-de-force with their grounded collaborative communication to express unadulterated Thrash, had caught me off guard one evening jamming the John Mayer cover of I Don’t Need No Doctor (which I have learnt recently myself), and again recently with Mayer’s The Heart of Life.

But with the song titles etched viciously in a Skyrim notebook, which looked very Viking Metal until I realised the logo on each page, it’s clear a lot of the Thrash energy comes from frontman Blackburn. lead guitarist Perrett, however, embraces his versatile influences in his soloing with melodic phrasing (“I thought it was really awesome he had that stoner, jazz, blues (influences)…he has that past about him; anything you wanted him to do, he can do it.” – Tyrone), whereas his sweeping, legato, and harmonic choices, along with the more aggressive phrasing, seem more ‘heavily’ metal inspired. Funny? No? Ok, that was slack, but Perrett and Blackburn are two ferocious axemen where balance is met; Blackburn sings and plays impressive arrangements, and Perrett can fucking shred.

Odium has been an intimidating band from the get-go with a reverent for Thrash, however of the newer members to what essentially is freebooter re-armed and renamed, bassist Kyle Rohan and drummer Tyrone Hogan are not to be dismissed of the skill and creative input that results in Odium’s accretion. “They bring a new age rhythmic style,” Frontman Blackburn speaks of the new members, “Kyle always has sick ideas on how to twist the song to make it sound unique.” Perrett agrees, “Luke and I have that old school thrashage, then you got those insane modern-day speed drums and crazy bass riffs.”

To say Odium made a statement at Hellbound is an understatement. On 101.9CoastFM’s segment Things That Go RAWR, hosts Peter Bullis and Sam Jensen both expressed how impressed they were with the time Odium have banded (3 months prior Hellbound), got a set list together, and held a crowd as an opener with a tight performance. Hellbound couldn’t have come at a better time. Now Odium’s sharpening weapons and tweaking two new songs, so anticipate Hell Awaits to be their gig you’d hate to miss!

Odium play Hell Awaits at Holloways Beach this Sunday the 10th August and The MOFO Borgust gig at the German Club Cairns on 16th Aug.

Alex Flower
Pic by Nico Liengme

http://soundcloud.com/odius (name change after Hell Awaits)

