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How To Get On NQ Music Press

Or how to get press in ANY magazine/website or paper really.. It has come to our attention that for a lot NQ artists don’t know how to approach getting press it in the correct manner. Never mind, NQ Music Press is here to help. To specifically get on NQ Music Press we require the following:-

A news worthy story

Something that will engage our readers. For example, if you are a cabaret act playing covers at a local pub and you do it every week at the same pub – probably not newsworthy.  If you are playing an open mic night or talent competition – not newsworthy. If you are a DJ playing ANYWHERE, still not newsworthy. However, if you are releasing a new CD of original material, putting on an original band night with a bunch of other original artists/touring, getting nominated for an Aria, entering/exiting –  rehab/cult/jail/marriage to Kylie Minogue or supporting the Stones – possibly newsworthy.

A  well written press release

You need to present your news worthy story in a way palatable to the press. If your press release is well written enough, it may get published word for word as a last minute deadline story. This may be what you are after, or it may not.  Usually we will use the press release as a starting point and arrange an interview. Even if you don’t have a publicist, or someone in your band that writes well, don’t be afraid to drop us an email and explain what your band is up to in your own words. We are very supportive of local artists and understand that not everyone has access to a publicist or a writer in the band, and we will take it from there. We are here to help.

An eye catching press shot

A picture really does tell a thousand stories. Especially on a full colour magazine style site like NQ Music Press. A quality press pic is essential. The pic taken by the well intentioned wife/girlfriend/mum of you guys standing in the backyard in poor lighting, thongs and Iron Maiden T-Shirts isn’t going to cut it. Don’t try this one at home kids, get a professional. Some quality local photographers are:- Pete Dillon, Romy, Shay Thomas Rampal, Kirby Canete. Some simple rules:- don’t send press pics with watermarks or text. Avoid sending heavily photoshopped pics. No sneaky nut shots ok? Header images for featured stories on NQ Music press need to be 1038 x 500 pixels @ 300 DPI. We will crop it to this size if you supply different, but landscape style pics will work best in general for us. Have a look at the better featured stories on our main page, that’s the kinda thing we are after. If you can provide a good image, it is more incentive for us to make the effort to chase a good story from you.

Use your noggin

Don’t piss your intended media target off, they can be your best friend or your worst enemy. Do your research. If their Facebook page description says don’t post/spam stuff on their FB page, email them – then email them. For the record, NQ Music Press do not allow direct posting to our Facebook sites (and it kind of annoys us when people try), it needs to go through our main site first, if it makes it there, will will share it on FB for you (aren’t we nice). In general don’t email media mp3 files or 400 meg movies, send a link to them. NQ Music press is not constrained by print space, in fact we can do new fangled things like stream your music direct from underneath your story, play a video or put a link to where interested people can buy your music, use this to your advantage and send appropriate links hmmmkay?


If you story does not fit within our requirements for editorial content, a sure fire way of getting your message on NQ Music Press, (or any magazine for that matter) is to support us with advertising. You still won’t get editorial, but you will be able to display your banner on our front page and the side and bottom of every page on the site where everyone can see it. Advertising with us gets your message in front of a very targeted audience of music lovers and allows us to continue the work we do (it’s our only source of income). See our advertising page for more info.

Send your press releases and hi quality press shots to:- editor@nqmusicpress.com

End of sermon/rant.

Todd Macalpine

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