Tag Archives: The Grand Hotel

Resonate – Rebecca Langtree, Eddie Skiba, Greta Stanley

Three of the norths best singer/songwriters play Resonate this week .

Playing the 7.00pm set this week is Rebecca Langtree. Rebecca has been popping up at venues all around town, including a recent support slot with the Tea Party’s Jeff Martin at Brothers. Rebecca has a very unique voice and is definitely a local talent to watch out for.

Hitting the Resonate stage at 8.20 is Eddie Skiba. Eddie Skiba is no stranger to the Resonate stage and is one of the more popular regular acts that frequent the Grand Hotel Stage. Eddie has recently released a new album titled “Blend On The Border” and has been getting around the country doing launch shows. Check out Mitch Sullivans review of Blend On The Border here.

Last but certainly not least this week is the very talented miss Greta Stanley. Greta recently released her CD “Bedroom City”. You can check out Eli Birchall’s review of Bedroom City here.

Resonate is staged every Thursday night at the Grand Hotel in Cairns. Kitchen opens at 6.00, Resonate blasts off at 7.00pm entry is free!

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