
Hungry Lungs – Smoke Rings Video

Hungry Lungs have just released a new video clip for their song “Smoke Rings”. Drummer Matt “Budgie” Moore tells NQMP the story behind the song and the film clip..

“Smoke rings is a tune about escapism. We have all wanted out of the mundane 9 to 5 at some stage by whatever means possible, the verse reiterates this. The chorus brings the song back down again, because what goes up must come down, and the escape is gone just like ‘smoke rings floating off into the distance’. Everyone knows that Monday morning feeling.”

“We tried to create a very surreal and floaty feeling with the guitars and echoing vocals. The drums and bass represent the repetition of the week with continuity throughout the track with moments of breaking point strain. In whole we think the end result is a track that you can listen on the way home on Friday afternoon and drift away from the problems of the week.”

“When we first started talking with local artist Emma Whittaker about making a film clip, capitalizing on the underlying theme of escapism was an idea we really liked. Being our first film clip we took quite a while to come up with a solid plot line, all of us are pretty camera shy and didn’t really want to be in it. We had finished filming and none of us really had any idea how the clip was going to turn out the plot had changed so many times. But kudos to Emma for pulling it together, she is an incredibly talented artist who with virtually no budget and a crew of clowns produced something pretty amazing. Did I mention this was the first film clip she has made?”

“Most of the filming was at Arthouse during an In/Off Club and the rest done at our old house in Yorkeys. It was really good to film at these locations; the house had be the crib which nurtured Hungry Lungs since the band started, and Arthouse was the first place we ever played in Cairns. Thanks really goes out to everyone who helped us with this project and it was amazing to experience the support of the Cairns music/arts scene. Special mentions to Nick Mills at Arthouse for a fantastic setting, Peyote’s Andy Parkinson for some brilliant acting and everyone who danced the night of filming.”